Sunday, November 18, 2012

When I saw this dead 3 year old little Palestinian girl, I asked myself why? 

The answer is probably complex and goes way back to the days when the Israelian's left Egypt, possibly during the second intermediate period (1650 - 1550  BC). Palestinians and Israelis have a very similar history, and after thousands of years Israel was given to the Israelis by UN 1947. On 14 May 1948 David Ben-Gurion, the Executive Head of the World Zionist Organization and president of the Jewish Agency for Palestinedeclared "the establishment of a Jewish state in Eretz Israel, to be known as the State of Israel"

Today Israel attack ships on international water, and more or less on a daily basis kill children in Gaza or the West Bank without any particular objections from UN. Most of these children never make any head lines. Sadly of course, a few Israelis are killed too, and most of them will make the head lines.

These statistics about numbers of dead children does speak on it's own. For every Israelian child, 11 Palestinians are killed.

From a spiritual perspective things will be resolved. It is unfortunately very clear that something very bad will happen in the Middle East before we can finally see peace. The combination of Israel, Iran, the Arab world, and foreign politics, will make sure that millions of people are going to die before all this is over. 

We all need to pray for all these children killed every day, whether it's Syria, Israel or Palestine. To create love and forgiveness in this environment is going to be extremely demanding.

Friday, November 16, 2012

How to rape your own daughter

A couple of cases in England still vividly plays on my mind. The husband who was denied intimacy by his wife, started to rape his own daughter from the time she was 6 years old. Every Saturday when mum went shopping, he would rape his daughter. Subsequently he would threaten to kill her if she told mum, and then he bought her some sweets. The first time he raped his daughter she was bleeding so much, that her sister had to help cleaning her in the bath tube. 

One day after coming home from work, the father was annoyed with her behaviour. He then took her small fingers and asked her to put them by the door post. He then slammed the door and continued to have his dinner.

The other case was a father who kept raping a couple of his daughters. My client told me how her father removed a brick in the wall between his and the girls bedroom. Terrified by fear they would every night watch how his eyes were guarding and preying at their helpless bodies through the empty space in the bedrooms wall.

In Sweden young girls, particularly from Kurdistan ( consists of a land area shared by Turkey, Iran, Iraq and Syria), are killed by their brothers and fathers as an act of honour. Coincidentally some of these young women, often between the age of 15 - 20, are being found dead or severely wounded, beneath the family's balcony located on the 5th or 6t floor. Swede's avoid talking about it since journalists and authorities easily accuse native people of being racists or xenophobic. This tolerance with intolerance among fellow human beings, has created a vacuum where some foreign women not only fear for their lives, but they also feel constantly let down by a country claiming to protect them as individuals. 

The Quest for me as a psychiatrist is not why males continue to commit all these atrocities. The Quest is what females lack or rather what they have been given as protection, not to behave like fathers and sons? Is it genetic? Is it about levels of testosterone? If we castrated all these offenders, would the world be different? What would happen if females did the same to males? Would there be fewer conflicts in the world if we had only female leaders? Is it honourable to kill your own daughter or throw acid in her face? Why is that several men have been caught having abducted young girls or even their own daughters, kept them alive for 10 - 15 years, made them pregnant, and still pretend that nothing has happened.

It requires a lot of forgiveness to overcome all this! Sometimes the only path to healing has been to provide advanced hypnotherapy for these traumatized victims. What a wonderful reward to see someone heal, not forget, and finally offer forgiveness not only to themselves but also to the perpetrator.

Thursday, November 15, 2012

The purpose of this blog is to share thoughts about the human soul and mind. I will share experiences about the healing process through hypnotherapy and other tools I use as a psychiatrist. This is for everyone. I will also share the suffering and helplessness I encounter every day through meetings with my clients.

It is so important to stretch out an open hand to each human asking for help and support. Communication is an important tool in order to establish mutual understanding and respect. We are all one.

I will also share knowledge and experience from Egypt - Kem, once in ancient times my home and source of spiritual education as a priest at the famous Karnak Temple.

This blog will be particularly interesting since I know that some of my previous patients in United Kingdom and Sweden, are out there both in Spirit and cyber-space. Some of them have already been contributing immensely by sharing their previous lives, love and suffering. Some of them, I am sure, will again contribute and help YOU on your own journey through our shared existence.

I wish you all  WELCOME! 

After coming back from England to Sweden, I have notice that there is one group in particular that suffers. Young boys and girls, most of them around 20 years of age.

Nurses and doctors are trying to understand why they are depressed, anxious, self-harming and full of suicidal thoughts. It is almost like a whole generation are screaming that they want the true meaning of life back.

Some parents seem to have lost the ability to communicate properly with their children. Instead these children, at least in Sweden, show up with a wide range of symptoms. 

What can we do for a whole generation in agony? In Greece 60 % of them are without jobs. In Spain it's only 50 %.....